
In this section you will find all the news related to our company, UVAS DEL VALLE DE ASPE, the region of the Middle Vinalopo in Alicante, and our activity as Vinalopo Table Grape Exporters and Producers.
Vinalopo Table Grape Exporters

Vinalopo Table Grape Exporters

Why are 12 grapes taken in New Year’s Eve? As in many traditions, the origin is not entirely clear. Although this is a relatively recent custom. In this post we tell you in detail. A first theory argues that already in the last decades of the nineteenth century many Spanish families of the aristocracy, influenced

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Vinalopo Dessert Bagged Grape

Vinalopo Dessert Bagged Grape

Only seven populations of the so-called “Valley of the Grapes” are the ones that produce the only bagged grape in the world with denomination of origin. Aspe is one of them. The Vinalopó dessert bagged Grape is a unique fruit in the world due to its particular ripening process. Unlike other table grapes, the Vinalopó grape grows

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